Taas App Promotion


Taas can automatically promote apps in a pipeline when a test succeeds. Multiple Taas tests can be chained together and used to automate the entire deployment process! This means a new code release can be deployed and tested in each pipeline stage with a single click.


If each app in the pipeline is targeted by a Taas test, Taas can automatically move the app through the pipeline as each test passes.

Consider the following Akkeris pipeline:

Review Development Staging Production
app-review app-dev app-stg app-prd

We can create Taas tests for each app:

App Taas Test Promotion Setting
app-review app-review-taas Automatic: From review:app-review To development:app-dev
app-dev app-dev-taas Automatic: From development:app-dev To staging:app-stg
app-stg app-stg-taas Automatic: From staging:app-stg To production:app-prd
app-prd app-prd-taas Manual

The workflow would then look like this:

  1. The app-review-taas test will be kicked off when a new release on app-review is created via Github auto build. If the test is successful, Taas will promote app-review to app-dev.
  2. The app-dev-taas test will be kicked off when a new release on app-dev is created via promotion from Step 1. If the test is successful, Taas will promote app-dev to app-stg.
  3. The app-stg-taas test will be kicked off when a new release on app-stg is created via promotion from Step 2. If the test is successful, Taas will promote app-stg to app-prd.
  4. The app-prd-taas test will be kicked off when a new release on app-review is created via promotion from Step 3. The purpose of this test would not be for app promotion, but for smoke testing.

Each Taas test could use the same image but with different environment variables.

If at any point in the pipeline a Taas test fails, the promotion will not occur and the new code will not make it to production.

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