
Dynos represent a running process or server (or multiple instances of a process). Dynos are created by formation changes and deployed code. If no deployments exist, no dynos will exist. Dynos provide the ability to query what the current state of an individual server is, to reboot it, etc.

Dynos Info

Get information on whats currently running (servers/dynos) for the specified app, and its current state. The "state" can be one of the possible values: start-failure, app-crashed, waiting, pending, probe-failure, stopping, stopped, running. The "ready" column indicates if the dyno is still actively having traffic routed to it (if its a web) or if its process is showing up otherwise. Additional info may contain the reason for the app being in this state, additional info is a human readable string.

GET /apps/{appname}/dynos

CURL Example

curl \
  -H 'Authorization: ...' \

200 "OK" Response

    "attach_url": "",
    "command": "npm start",
    "created_at": "2016-09-27T16:27:20Z",
    "id": "9d3546db-2909-ca8d-d35d-4ae0f848195e",
    "name": "2281474389-1cu1o",
    "release": {
      "id": "93e173a5-5be9-4df2-8345-233d77f99d90",
      "version": 142
    "app": {
      "name": "app-space",
      "id": "62dc0fd3-2cba-4925-8fca-d1129d296d2c"
    "size": "gp2",
    "state": "running",
    "ready": true,
    "type": "web",
    "updated_at": "2016-09-27T16:27:21Z"

Dyno Info

Get information on a specific dyno running.

GET /apps/{appname}/dyno/{dyno_id_or_name}

CURL Example

curl \
  -H 'Authorization: ...' \

200 "OK" Response

  "attach_url": "",
  "command": "npm start",
  "created_at": "2016-09-27T16:27:20Z",
  "id": "9d3546db-2909-ca8d-d35d-4ae0f848195e",
  "name": "2281474389-1cu1o",
  "release": {
    "id": "93e173a5-5be9-4df2-8345-233d77f99d90",
    "version": 142
  "app": {
    "name": "app-space",
    "id": "62dc0fd3-2cba-4925-8fca-d1129d296d2c"
  "size": "gp2",
  "state": "Running",
  "ready": true,
  "type": "web",
  "updated_at": "2016-09-27T16:27:21Z"

Dynos Restart (yes plural)

Restarts all dynos (docker containers, servers, what have you) within the application. This is done in a rolling fashion to prevent downtime or outages.

DELETE /apps/{appname}/dynos

CURL Example

curl \
  -H 'Authorization: ...' \

202 "Accepted" Response


Dyno Restart

Restarts one dyno type (web, worker, etc) within the application. This is done in a rolling fashion to prevent downtime or outages.

DELETE /apps/{appname}/dynos/{dyno_type}

CURL Example

curl \
  -H 'Authorization: ...' \

202 "Accepted" Response


Dyno Attach

Executes approved commands on a dyno. The provided command is run in the same context as the dyno, and is subject to the same memory and CPU limitations. The output of stdout and stderr is returned.

Please note that an error is returned if the command takes more than one minute.

Allowed commands are hardcoded and cannot be changed dynamically. The current regex allowlist is:

  • /^sh -c kill \-[0-9]+ \-1$/

Alternatively, you may specify a command alias instead of a command. This is useful for certain complicated commands that don't need any arguments and will be run the same way each time. These commands are also hardcoded and cannot be changed dynamically. The available aliases are:

  • java_heap_dump - Run jcmd 0 GC.heap_dump and return the output as a base64/gzip encoded string.
    • Here's an example of how to transform the results into a file for further analysis (assuming the API response was stored in response.json): cat response.json | jq -r '.stdout' | base64 -D | gzip -d > heap_dump.hprof

POST /apps/{appname}/dynos/{dyno_id_or_name}/actions/attach

Name Type Description Example
command optional array of strings The command to execute (as an array of strings where the first entry is the executable) (Required if alias is not provided) ["echo", "hello"]
alias optional string The alias of a pre-validated command to execute (Required if command is not provided) "java_heap_dump"
stdin string The initial set of stdin ""

CURL Example

curl \
  -H 'Authorization: ...' \
  -X POST \
  https://apps.akkeris.io/apps/someapp-default/web.12333ns-nda11/actions/attach \
  -d '{"command":["echo","Hello"], "stdin":""}'

202 "Accepted" Response


results matching ""

    No results matching ""