Services, Addons and Attachments

Services (or addon-services) are any external or internal capabilities that can be added to an application. Each service has an associated plan, each plan can be created and attached to an application as an "addon". Once an addon is created the relevant configuration variables are automatically placed in the application on start up via new environment variables.

For example, alamo-postgresql is a service provided, it has plans that can be chosen through/addon-services/alamo-postgresql/plans, the selected plan can be then added to an application through/apps/{appname}/addons, the created or provisioned database can also be attached to other applications through/apps/{appname}/addon-attachmentsend point. All services can be queried through the/addon-servicesURI.

Attached addons differ from addons in that attachments are addons that are owned by another application and attached or shared to another application, these cannot be controlled or deleted by the attached application or those with access to the application with the attachment, only the owner of the addon may do this.

List Addon-Services

Lists all addons services (postgres, redis, etc).

GET /addon-services

CURL Example

curl \
  -H 'Authorization: ...' \
  -X GET \

200 "OK" Response

    "cli_plugin_name": "postgres",
    "created_at": "2016-08-09T12:00:00Z",
    "human_name": "Alamo Postgres",
    "id": "01bb60d2-f2bb-64c0-4c8b-ead731a690bc",
    "name": "alamo-postgresql",
    "state": "ga",
    "description":"PostgreSQL 10",
    "available_regions": ["us-seattle"],
    "supports_multiple_installations": true,
    "supports_sharing": true,
    "updated_at": "2016-08-09T12:00:00Z"
    "cli_plugin_name": "redis",
    "created_at": "2016-08-09T12:00:00Z",
    "human_name": "Alamo Redis",
    "id": "b292c4f4-cadb-6525-adac-c61074069c65",
    "name": "alamo-redis",
    "state": "ga",
    "description":"A redis cache",
    "available_regions": ["us-seattle"],
    "supports_multiple_installations": true,
    "supports_sharing": true,
    "updated_at": "2016-08-09T12:00:00Z"

Get Addon-Service Info

Get information on a specific service (although not the plan details)

GET /addon-services/{addon_name_or_id}

CURL Example

curl \
  -H 'Authorization: ...' \
  -X GET \

200 "OK" Response

  "cli_plugin_name": "postgres",
  "created_at": "2016-08-09T12:00:00Z",
  "human_name": "Alamo Postgres",
  "id": "01bb60d2-f2bb-64c0-4c8b-ead731a690bc",
  "name": "alamo-postgresql",
  "state": "shutdown",
  "description":"PostgreSQL 10",
  "available_regions": ["us-seattle"],
  "supports_multiple_installations": true,
  "supports_sharing": true,
  "updated_at": "2016-08-09T12:00:00Z"

List Addon-Service Plans

Get all plans for a service and their costs.

GET /addon-services/{addon_name_or_id}/plans

CURL Example

curl \
  -H 'Authorization: ...' \
  -X GET \

200 "OK" Response

    "attributes": {
      "Custom Metadata":"true",
    "addon_service": {
      "id": "01bb60d2-f2bb-64c0-4c8b-ead731a690bc",
      "name": "alamo-postgresql"
    "created_at": "2016-08-09T12:00:00Z",
    "default": false,
    "description": " 4x CPU - 30GB Mem - 100GB Disk - Extra IOPS:1000",
    "human_name": "Large",
    "id": "5ff1a5a9-fa46-0559-cc40-df72d468764b",
    "installable_inside_private_network": true,
    "installable_outside_private_network": true,
    "name": "alamo-postgresql:large",
    "price": {
      "cents": 75000,
      "unit": "month",
    "space_default": false,
    "state": "public",
    "updated_at": "2016-08-09T12:00:00Z"
    "attributes": {
      "Custom Metadata":"true",
    "addon_service": {
      "id": "01bb60d2-f2bb-64c0-4c8b-ead731a690bc",
      "name": "alamo-postgresql"
    "created_at": "2016-08-09T12:00:00Z",
    "default": false,
    "description": "2x CPU - 8GB Mem - 50GB Disk - Extra IOPS:no",
    "human_name": "Medium",
    "id": "a91d7641-a61e-fb09-654e-2def7c9f162d",
    "installable_inside_private_network": true,
    "installable_outside_private_network": true,
    "name": "alamo-postgresql:medium",
    "price": {
      "cents": 10000,
      "unit": "month",
    "space_default": false,
    "state": "public",
    "updated_at": "2016-08-09T12:00:00Z"
    "attributes": {
      "Custom Metadata":"true",
    "addon_service": {
      "id": "01bb60d2-f2bb-64c0-4c8b-ead731a690bc",
      "name": "alamo-postgresql"
    "created_at": "2016-08-09T12:00:00Z",
    "default": false,
    "description": "2x CPU - 4GB Mem - 20GB Disk - Extra IOPS:no",
    "human_name": "Small",
    "id": "f6757b64-022d-518f-beb1-29d6eee937d2",
    "installable_inside_private_network": true,
    "installable_outside_private_network": true,
    "name": "alamo-postgresql:small",
    "price": {
      "cents": 1500,
      "unit": "month",
    "space_default": false,
    "state": "public",
    "updated_at": "2016-08-09T12:00:00Z"

Get Addon-Service Plan Info

Get specific plan for a service and its costs.

GET /addon-services/{addon_name_or_id}/plans/{plan_id_or_name}

CURL Example

curl \
  -H 'Authorization: ...' \
  -X GET \

200 "OK" Response

  "attributes": {
    "Custom Metadata":"true",
  "addon_service": {
    "id": "01bb60d2-f2bb-64c0-4c8b-ead731a690bc",
    "name": "alamo-postgresql"
  "created_at": "2016-08-09T12:00:00Z",
  "default": false,
  "description": "2x CPU - 8GB Mem - 50GB Disk - Extra IOPS:no",
  "human_name": "Medium",
  "id": "a91d7641-a61e-fb09-654e-2def7c9f162d",
  "installable_inside_private_network": true,
  "installable_outside_private_network": true,
  "name": "alamo-postgresql:medium",
  "price": {
    "cents": 10000,
    "unit": "month",
  "space_default": false,
  "state": "shutdown",
  "updated_at": "2016-08-09T12:00:00Z",
  "provisioned_by": [
      "id": "59be5dd4-1dfa-47a9-bdae-00ed93718005",
      "name": "app-space"

Create Addon

POST /apps/{appname}/addons

Creates a new addon from a service plan.

Name Type Description Example
plan required string The id (uuid) of the service plan to create, this can be obtained from /addon-services/{addon_name_or_id}/plans akkeris optional string The name for the attachment, and thus the prefix used for config vars if the addon is secondary. Must be alphanumeric. mycoolname

CURL Example

curl \
  -H 'Authorization: ...' \
  -X POST \ \
  -d '{"plan":"a91d7641-a61e-fb09-654e-2def7c9f162d", "attachment":{"name":"mycoolname"}}'

201 "Created" Response

  "actions": null,
  "addon_service": {
    "id": "01bb60d2-f2bb-64c0-4c8b-ead731a690bc",
    "name": "alamo-postgresql"
  "app": {
    "id": "app-space",
    "name": "62dc0fd3-2cba-4925-8fca-d1129d296d2c-api"
  "config_vars": [],
  "created_at": "2016-08-11T20:16:45.820Z",
  "id": "5feef9bb-2bed-4b62-bdf5-e31691fab88c",
  "name": "mycoolname",
  "plan": {
    "id": "a91d7641-a61e-fb09-654e-2def7c9f162d",
    "name": "alamo-postgresql:small"
  "provider_id": "alamo",
  "updated_at": "2016-08-11T20:16:45.820Z",
  "web_url": ""

List All Addons

Lists all the addons for all applications. This is the same response as other addons end points but does not contain the attachments, the addon state nor the configuration environment variables for the addon.

GET /addons

CURL Example

curl \
  -H 'Authorization: ...' \
  -X GET \

200 "OK" Response

    "actions": [],
    "addon_service": {
      "id": "1124611d-2971-2533-3338-a816a4a95ff1",
      "name": "akkeris-s3"
    "app": {
      "id": "4505b947-346d-400b-a986-a1faeb2c321f",
      "name": "events-api-us"
    "billed_price": {
      "cents": 5000,
      "unit": "month",
      "contract": false
    "created_at": "2018-11-15T17:14:09.270Z",
    "id": "42222315-1155-4772-bc87-fdda79df06ee",
    "name": "amazon-s3-shock-2047",
    "plan": {
      "id": "1328e0b0-429a-1fa8-32a0-aaad9e121cbb",
      "name": "akkeris-s3:basic"
    "primary": true,
    "provider_id": "akkeris",
    "updated_at": "2018-11-15T17:14:09.270Z",
    "web_url": "/apps/events-api-us",

Get Addons

Gets more information on an addon

GET /addons/{addon_id_or_name}

CURL Example

curl \
  -H 'Authorization: ...' \
  -X GET \

200 "OK" Response

  "actions": [],
  "addon_service": {
    "id": "1124611d-2971-2533-3338-a816a4a95ff1",
    "name": "akkeris-s3"
  "app": {
    "id": "4505b947-346d-400b-a986-a1faeb2c321f",
    "name": "events-api-us"
  "billed_price": {
    "cents": 5000,
    "unit": "month",
    "contract": false
  "config_vars": {
    "S3_BUCKET": "8839-1f32bb231",
    "S3_LOCATION": "",
    "S3_REGION": "us-west-2",
    "S3_SECRET_KEY": "abcdefg+hjklmnopqrstuvwxyz",
  "created_at": "2018-11-15T17:14:09.270Z",
  "id": "42222315-1155-4772-bc87-fdda79df06ee",
  "name": "amazon-s3-shock-2047",
  "plan": {
    "id": "1328e0b0-429a-1fa8-32a0-aaad9e121cbb",
    "name": "akkeris-s3:basic"
  "primary": true,
  "provider_id": "akkeris",
  "state": "provisioned",
  "state_description": "",
  "updated_at": "2018-11-15T17:14:09.270Z",
  "web_url": "/apps/events-api-us",
  "attached_to": [
      "id": "4505b947-346d-400b-a986-a1faeb2c321f",
      "name": "events-api-us",
      "owner": true

Get Addon's Config

Gets the configuration variables injected into applications or resources that use this addon.

GET /addons/{addon_id_or_name}/config

CURL Example

curl \
  -H 'Authorization: ...' \
  -X GET \

200 "OK" Response

  "S3_BUCKET": "8811-1f32bb231",
  "S3_LOCATION": "",
  "S3_REGION": "us-west-2",
  "S3_SECRET_KEY": "abcdefg+hjklmnopqrstuvwxyz",

List Addons By App

Lists all the addons for an application.

GET /apps/{appname}/addons

CURL Example

curl \
  -H 'Authorization: ...' \
  -X GET \

200 "OK" Response

    "actions": null,
    "addon_service": {
      "id": "01bb60d2-f2bb-64c0-4c8b-ead731a690bc",
      "name": "alamo-postgresql"
    "app": {
      "id": "app-space",
      "name": "62dc0fd3-2cba-4925-8fca-d1129d296d2c-api"
    "config_vars": [],
    "created_at": "2016-08-11T20:16:45.820Z",
    "id": "5feef9bb-2bed-4b62-bdf5-e31691fab88c",
    "name": "a91d7641-a61e-fb09-654e-2def7c9f162d-api:alamo-postgresql-1470946605820",
    "plan": {
      "id": "a91d7641-a61e-fb09-654e-2def7c9f162d",
      "name": "alamo-postgresql:small"
    "provider_id": "alamo",
    "updated_at": "2016-08-11T20:16:45.820Z",
    "web_url": ""

Get Addon By App

Get information on an addon constrained by the application.

GET /apps/{appname}/addons/{addon_id}

CURL Example

curl \
  -H 'Authorization: ...' \
  -X GET \

200 "OK" Response

  "actions": null,
  "addon_service": {
    "id": "01bb60d2-f2bb-64c0-4c8b-ead731a690bc",
    "name": "alamo-postgresql"
  "app": {
    "id": "62dc0fd3-2cba-4925-8fca-d1129d296d2c-api",
    "name": "app-space"
  "config_vars": [],
  "created_at": "2016-08-11T20:16:45.820Z",
  "id": "5feef9bb-2bed-4b62-bdf5-e31691fab88c",
  "name": "a91d7641-a61e-fb09-654e-2def7c9f162d-api:alamo-postgresql-1470946605820",
  "plan": {
    "id": "a91d7641-a61e-fb09-654e-2def7c9f162d",
    "name": "alamo-postgresql:small"
  "primary": true,
  "provider_id": "alamo",
  "updated_at": "2016-08-11T20:16:45.820Z",
  "web_url": "",
  "attached_to": [
      "id": "62dc0fd3-2cba-4925-8fca-d1129d296d2c-api",
      "name": "app-space",
      "owner": true

Update an Addon

Addons can be updated to promote (and subsequently demote) an addon of the same type. When adding multiple addon's such as a database with the environment variable DATABASE_URL the second or non-primary addon has the environment variable prefixed with the addon name. For example if the addon's name is alamo-postgres-abcdef-1235 and its a secondary (non-primary) database the environment variable would be ABCDEF_12345_DATABASE_URL. The primary database always has non-prefixed environment variables, such as DATABASE_URL. Updating an addon to be primary will cause an existing primary addon of the same type to become a secondary (non-primary) addon. Updating the property will change the name of the addon, and thus change the prefix used for DATABASE_URL as well.

PATCH /apps/{appname}/addons/{addon_id}

CURL Example

curl \
  -H 'Authorization: ...' \
  -X PATCH \ -d '{"primary":false, "attachment":{"name":"mynewcoolname"}}'

200 "OK" Response

  "actions": null,
  "addon_service": {
    "id": "01bb60d2-f2bb-64c0-4c8b-ead731a690bc",
    "name": "alamo-postgresql"
  "app": {
    "id": "62dc0fd3-2cba-4925-8fca-d1129d296d2c-api",
    "name": "app-space"
  "config_vars": [],
  "created_at": "2016-08-11T20:16:45.820Z",
  "id": "5feef9bb-2bed-4b62-bdf5-e31691fab88c",
  "name": "mynewcoolname",
  "plan": {
    "id": "a91d7641-a61e-fb09-654e-2def7c9f162d",
    "name": "alamo-postgresql:small"
  "primary": false,
  "provider_id": "alamo",
  "updated_at": "2016-08-11T20:16:45.820Z",
  "web_url": "",
  "attached_to": [
      "id": "62dc0fd3-2cba-4925-8fca-d1129d296d2c-api",
      "name": "app-space",
      "owner": true

Delete Addon

DELETE /apps/{appname}/addons/{addon_id}

CURL Example

curl \
  -H 'Authorization: ...' \

200 "OK" Response

  "actions": null,
  "addon_service": {
    "id": "01bb60d2-f2bb-64c0-4c8b-ead731a690bc",
    "name": "alamo-postgresql"
  "app": {
    "id": "app-space",
    "name": "62dc0fd3-2cba-4925-8fca-d1129d296d2c-api"
  "config_vars": [],
  "created_at": "2016-08-11T20:16:45.820Z",
  "id": "5feef9bb-2bed-4b62-bdf5-e31691fab88c",
  "name": "a91d7641-a61e-fb09-654e-2def7c9f162d-api:alamo-postgresql-1470946605820",
  "plan": {
    "id": "a91d7641-a61e-fb09-654e-2def7c9f162d",
    "name": "alamo-postgresql:small"
  "provider_id": "alamo",
  "updated_at": "2016-08-11T20:16:45.820Z",
  "web_url": ""

List Addons-Attachments

Lists all the addons for an application.

GET /apps/{appname}/addon-attachments

CURL Example

curl \
  -H 'Authorization: ...' \
  -X GET \

200 "OK" Response

      "actions": null,
      "addon_service": {
        "id": "01bb60d2-f2bb-64c0-4c8b-ead731a690bc",
        "name": "alamo-postgresql"
      "app": {
        "id": "555555-2bed-4b62-bdf5-e31691fab88c",
        "name": "sourceapp-space"
      "config_vars": [],
      "created_at": "2016-08-11T20:16:45.820Z",
      "id": "5feef9bb-2bed-4b62-bdf5-e31691fab88c",
      "name": "a91d7641-a61e-fb09-654e-2def7c9f162d-api:alamo-postgresql-1470946605820",
      "plan": {
        "id": "a91d7641-a61e-fb09-654e-2def7c9f162d",
        "name": "alamo-postgresql:small"
        "id": "777777-2bed-4b62-bdf5-e31691fab88c",
        "name": "attachedapp-space"
    "created_at": "2016-08-11T20:16:45.820Z",
    "updated_at": "2016-08-11T20:16:45.820Z",

Get Addons-Attachments

GET /apps/{appname}/addon-attachments/{addon_id}

CURL Example

curl \
  -H 'Authorization: ...' \
  -X GET \

200 "OK" Response

    "actions": null,
    "addon_service": {
    "app": {
    "config_vars": [],
    "created_at": "2016-08-11T20:16:45.820Z",
    "id": "5feef9bb-2bed-4b62-bdf5-e31691fab88c",
    "name": "a91d7641-a61e-fb09-654e-2def7c9f162d-api:alamo-postgresql-1470946605820",
    "plan": {
      "id": "a91d7641-a61e-fb09-654e-2def7c9f162d",
      "name": "alamo-postgresql:small"
      "id": "777777-2bed-4b62-bdf5-e31691fab88c",
      "name": "attachedapp-space"
  "created_at": "2016-08-11T20:16:45.820Z",
  "updated_at": "2016-08-11T20:16:45.820Z",

Update Addons-Attachments

Promote an addon attachment to the primary addon for its service type.

PATCH /apps/{appname}/addon-attachments/{addon_id}

CURL Example

curl \
  -H 'Authorization: ...' \
  -X PATCH \ -d '{"primary":false, "name":"mynewname"}'

200 "OK" Response

    "actions": null,
    "addon_service": {
    "app": {
    "config_vars": [],
    "created_at": "2016-08-11T20:16:45.820Z",
    "id": "5feef9bb-2bed-4b62-bdf5-e31691fab88c",
    "name": "a91d7641-a61e-fb09-654e-2def7c9f162d-api:alamo-postgresql-1470946605820",
    "plan": {
      "id": "a91d7641-a61e-fb09-654e-2def7c9f162d",
      "name": "alamo-postgresql:small"
      "id": "777777-2bed-4b62-bdf5-e31691fab88c",
      "name": "attachedapp-space"
  "created_at": "2016-08-11T20:16:45.820Z",
  "updated_at": "2016-08-11T20:16:45.820Z",

Attach Addons

POST /apps/{appname}/addon-attachments

The post property addon is the name or id of addon to attach. The app parameter should contain the app to attach the addon to.

CURL Example

curl \
  -H 'Authorization: ...' \
  -X POST \
  -d '{"addon":"5feef9bb-2bed-4b62-bdf5-e31691fab88c", "app":"app-space", "name":"some-name"}'

200 "OK" Response

    "actions": null,
    "addon_service": {
    "app": {
    "config_vars": [],
    "created_at": "2016-08-11T20:16:45.820Z",
    "id": "5feef9bb-2bed-4b62-bdf5-e31691fab88c",
    "name": "a91d7641-a61e-fb09-654e-2def7c9f162d-api:alamo-postgresql-1470946605820",
    "plan": {
      "id": "a91d7641-a61e-fb09-654e-2def7c9f162d",
      "name": "alamo-postgresql:small"
      "id": "777777-2bed-4b62-bdf5-e31691fab88c",
      "name": "attachedapp-space"
  "created_at": "2016-08-11T20:16:45.820Z",
  "updated_at": "2016-08-11T20:16:45.820Z",

Dettach Addons

DELETE /apps/{appname}/addon-attachments/{addon_id}

CURL Example

curl \
  -H 'Authorization: ...' \

200 "OK" Response

    "actions": null,
    "addon_service": {
    "app": {
    "config_vars": [],
    "created_at": "2016-08-11T20:16:45.820Z",
    "id": "5feef9bb-2bed-4b62-bdf5-e31691fab88c",
    "name": "a91d7641-a61e-fb09-654e-2def7c9f162d-api:alamo-postgresql-1470946605820",
    "plan": {
      "id": "a91d7641-a61e-fb09-654e-2def7c9f162d",
      "name": "alamo-postgresql:small"
      "id": "777777-2bed-4b62-bdf5-e31691fab88c",
      "name": "attachedapp-space"
  "created_at": "2016-08-11T20:16:45.820Z",
  "updated_at": "2016-08-11T20:16:45.820Z",

results matching ""

    No results matching ""