Source Control Hooks

Source control hooks allow you to auto build your application when an event happens (such as a successful merge of a PR or commit on a branch). Source control hooks can be set to auto deploy once the build is successful, in addition they can be set to first check the "Status Checks" on the targeted source control repo to ensure that the commit successfully passed all tests and approval flows.

Github Callback

POST /apps/{appname}/builds/auto/github

Important: This end point should only be used by github during the callback phase. The body of this post must be a github webhook callback. In addition it must contain x-hub-signature which contains a HMAC digest of the content body and the secret be pre-defined randomly generated token contained within auto_builds table.

Github Auto-Build/Deploy

View Auto Build/Deploy Hook

GET /apps/{appname}/builds/auto

curl \
  -H 'Authorization: ...' \
  -X GET \

200 "OK" Response

  "app": {
    "id": "62dc0fd3-2cba-4925-8fca-d1129d296d2c",
    "name": "app-space"
  "auto_deploy": true,
  "branch": "master",
  "created_at": "2016-08-23T13:48:36.024Z",
  "id": "43f49726-25f7-41e1-80c2-0f8677e956b2",
  "organization": {
    "id": "akkeris",
    "name": "26390735-3eaa-48d0-b673-4ebc9a19bd9c"
  "repo": "",
  "site": "",
  "space": {
    "id": "3911c0ec-e967-4497-8db5-54a52c5174b4",
    "name": "default"
  "status_check": true,
  "updated_at": "2016-08-23T13:48:36.024Z",
  "username": "trevorlinton"

Create Auto Build/Deploy Hook

POST /apps/{appname}/builds/auto

This end point will reassign an apps auto build/deploy settings, only one auto build/deploy may be assigned to an app. The "username" is your Github username (e.g.,, the "token" can be generated by going to github then going to your settings (Menu -> Settings), then clicking on "Personal Access Tokens" on the left hand side, and finally generate a new token. Be sure to include the following scopes/permissions when generating the token: repo (and all children scopes), admin:repo_hook (and all children scopes), and notifications.

Name Type Description Example
repo required string The repo url to add a webhook onto, either github or gitlab
branch required string The branch name to auto build for master
status_check optional bool Whether to wait for all status checks prior to build (and potentially deploying). false
auto_deploy optional bool Whether to auto deploy (release) the code, this will wait for status_check as well if set. true
username required string The user id of the user requesting the hook to be added. trevorlinton
token required string The token from github to add the webhook, this is not persisted and used once. ab832239defaa3298438abb

CURL Example

curl \
  -H 'Authorization: ...' \
  -X POST \ \
  -d '{"repo":"","branch":"master","status_check":true,"auto_deploy":true,"username":"trevorlinton","token":"ab832239defaa3298438abb"}'

201 "Created" Response


Remove Auto Build/Deploy Hook

DELETE /apps/{appname}/builds/auto/github

This end point will remove the webhook and entry for the auto build information.

CURL Example

curl \
  -H 'Authorization: ...' \

200 "OK" Response


results matching ""

    No results matching ""