App Setups

App setups provide a one-click end-point for creating an application, builds, releases, addons and environment variables. The payload submitted is referred to as a "blueprint". Since provisioning this many resources via an API can take considerable time the request is given an id that can be used to query its progress.

Create a new app setup

POST /app-setups

Immediately creates a new application and all specified resources described in the blue print.

Name Type Description Example
app:name required string The name of the application (alpha numeric, no dashes or spaces or special characters) events
app:organization required string The organization name that owns this app performance
app:space required string The name of the existing space to add the app too. For the default space use "default". perf-dev-us
app:stack optional string The stack to place the app on alamo-1
env optional object A key value pair of environment variables to set on the application {"FOO":{"value":"BAR"}}
env[key]:value optional string The value for the environment variable "BAR"
env[key]:required optional boolean Whether the environment variable is required true
env[key]:description optional string Optional string describing its purpose "Some description"
formation optional object A key value pair of dyno types and their definitions {"web":..., "worker":...}
formation[key]:quantity optional number How many of this dyno type is requested {"web":{"quantity":1}}
formation[key]:size optional string The size requested for this dyno type (see sizes below) {"web":{"size":"gp1"}}
formation[key]:health-check optional string The relative URI for checking if the health of the dyno is ok. (web dyno type only) {"web":{"health-check":"/octhc"}}
formation[key]:port optional number The port in which the paplication will listne for web traffic (web dyno type only) {"web":{"port":5000}}
formation[key]:command optional string The command to use to start this dyno from the image, defaults to command specified in docker build. {"web":{"command":"./"}}
addons optional object A key value pair of addons and their plans to provision {"alamo-postgresql":{"plan": "alamo-postgresql:small"}}
addons[name]:plan optional string The name of the plan to provision "alamo-postgresql:small"
attachments optional array An array of attachments to add to this app [{"name":"alamo-postgresql-fire-3242", "app":"event-perf-dev", "id":"392482-32223-344234-232231"}]
attachments[].name optional string The name of the addon to attach "alamo-postgresql-fire-3242"
attachments[].id optional string The id of the addon to attach "392482-32223-344234-232231"
attachments[].app optional string The name of the app that owns the addon "event-perf-dev"
source_blob required object A description of the sources to build {"checksum":..., "url":..., "version":...}
source_blob:checksum optional string The hash or checksum of the the build "sha1:34982342da32bcacdefeffa32321"
source_blob:url required string The docker, https or data uri for a docker image, tgz, or zip file containing the source blob or slug. "https://somehost/"
source_blob:version optional string Metadata as to what version of this is in "v12"
log-drains optional array An array of objects with the uri to send logs to [{"url":"https://logdrain/endpoint"}]
log-drains[].url optional string The syslog+tls, syslog, or https end point to deliver http and app logs to "syslog+tls://"
log-drains[].token optional string The token to add when forwarding logs "123456abcdef"
pipeline-couplings optional array An array of pipeline couplings which the app should be attached to. [{"pipeline":"my-pipeline", "stage":"development}]
pipeline-couplings[].pipeline optional string The name of the pipeline to attach to. "pipeline-name"
pipeline-couplings[].stage optional string The stage of the pipeline to attach to "development"

CURL Example

curl \
  -H 'Authorization: ...' \
  -X POST \ \
  -d '{"app":{"org":"akkeris", "name":"events", "space":"dev-us"},"source_blob":{"url":""}}'

201 "Created" Response


Check an app setups status

Since requests for creation of an app setup may take some time depending on their complexity the app setup status can be queried to see when its finished or if any errors has occured.

GET /app-setups/:app_setup_id

CURL Example

curl \
  -H 'Authorization: ...' \
  -X GET \

200 "Created" Response


Get an apps blueprint (app setup)

To get an existing apps blue print it can be fetched and subsequently modifed, then resubmitted to /app-setups to create a clone of the application easily. The response to the app-setups blue print is the same as the request body to /app-setups make cloning or forking an app more convenient.

GET /apps/{app_name_or_id}/app-setups

CURL Example

curl \
  -H 'Authorization: ...' \
  -X GET \

200 "Created" Response

  "app": {
    "locked": false,
    "name": "event",
    "organization": "someorg",
    "region": "us-seattle",
    "personal": false,
    "space": "space",
    "stack": "ds1"
  "env": {
    "JAVA_OPTS": {
      "description": "",
      "required": false,
      "value": "-Duser.timezone=America/Denver -Xmx1024M -Xms512M -XX:+PrintCommandLineFlags"
    "APP_LOG_LEVEL": {
      "description": "",
      "required": false,
      "value": "DEBUG"
    "DB_DRIVER": {
      "description": "",
      "required": false,
      "value": "org.postgresql.Driver"
    "USER_URL": {
      "description": "",
      "required": false,
      "value": ""
    "PORT": {
      "description": "",
      "required": false,
      "value": "9000"
  "formation": {
    "web": {
      "quantity": 2,
      "size": "galaxy",
      "command": null
  "addons": {
    "alamo-memcached": {
      "plan": "alamo-memcached:medium"
  "attachments": [],
  "source_blob": {
    "checksum": "already-validated-auto-build",
    "url": "docker://",
    "version": ""
  "log-drains": [
      "url": "syslog+tls://",
      "token": "app-space"
      "url": "syslog://",
      "token": "app-space"
  "pipeline-couplings": [],
  "sites": {
    "": {
      "routes": [
          "source_path": "/api/wall/",
          "target_path": "/"
          "source_path": "/api/wall",
          "target_path": "/"

results matching ""

    No results matching ""