Memcached Logo Memcached

Enterprise-Class Memcached for Developers


Managed memcached plans for Akkeris provide reliable and fast caching in memory-as-a-service.


Standard instances

Standard and hobby instances are great for development and tooling apps or production apps where only one app is using the cache or for shared session storage where the session values are small. Standard and hobby instances are not great for shared caches among multiple apps with large amounts of data stored for each key.

Hobby-Dev Standard-0 Standard-1
Price $15/mon $30/mon $50/mon
Connection Limit 20 100 250
Dedicated 1-Instance 1-Instance 1-Instance
Encrypted No No No
CPU Cores 1 1 2
Memory 512MB 1536MB 3GB

Premium Instances

Premium instances are great for systems which have shared caches with large amounts of data across multiple apps. Premium instances aren't great for shared session keys as its cost prohibitive, for these scenarios consider a standard instance instead.

Premium-0 Premium-1
Price $135/mon $270/mon
Connection Limit 500 1000
Dedicated 2-Instances 2-Instances
Encrypted No No
CPU Cores 2 4
Memory 12GB 16GB


aka addons:create akkeris-memcached:[hobby-dev|standard-0|standard-1||premium-0|premium-1] -a [app-space]

Once provisioned the memcached hostname and port are added as the config var MEMCACHED_URL.

In-Cluster vs. Out-of-Cluster

Standard memcached plans run in an isolated network next to your application. These instances end with the domain .local, memcached instances running isolated cannot be connected to outside of the applications attached to them. To administrate these (flushing cache or dumping statistics) see the memcached plugin below. When developing locally instead of connecting to the MEMCACHED_URL in an apps configuration, run memcached locally through docker by executing docker run -p 11211:11211 memcached:latest then set MEMCACHED_URL=localhost:11211.


Memcached plans can be upgraded or downgraded on-demand. During the upgrade the memcached instance and any attached applications will be placed in maintenace mode.

Data is not retained while upgrading or downgrading (as memcached is a volatile storage!)

Advanced Memcached with Memcached Plugin

To install the memcahed plugin use

aka plugins:install memcached

Getting Statistics from Memcached Addons

To get statistics on memcached usage run:

aka memcached -a [appname-space] [addonname]
│ key                   │ value         │
│ pid                   │ 1             │
│ uptime                │ 22381642      │
│ time                  │ 1523365792    │
│ version               │ 1.4.24        │
│ libevent              │ 2.0.21-stable │
│ pointer_size          │ 64            │
│ rusage_user           │ 1238.060000   │
│ rusage_system         │ 1204.732000   │
│ curr_connections      │ 5             │
│ total_connections     │ 143721        │
│ connection_structures │ 8             │
│ reserved_fds          │ 10            │
│ cmd_get               │ 40524608      │
│ cmd_set               │ 809731        │
│ cmd_flush             │ 274           │
│ cmd_touch             │ 0             │
│ cmd_config_get        │ 1492091       │
│ cmd_config_set        │ 1             │
│ get_hits              │ 39750076      │
│ get_misses            │ 774532        │
│ delete_misses         │ 412           │
│ bytes_read            │ 4515632772    │
│ bytes_written         │ 159081631431  │
│ limit_maxbytes        │ 3356491776    │
│ accepting_conns       │ 1             │
│ listen_disabled_num   │ 0             │
│ threads               │ 2             │
│ conn_yields           │ 0             │
│ curr_config           │ 1             │
│ hash_power_level      │ 16            │
│ hash_bytes            │ 524288        │
│ bytes                 │ 692058        │
│ curr_items            │ 1520          │
│ total_items           │ 809731        │
│ expired_unfetched     │ 194806        │
│ reclaimed             │ 429990        │

Flushing Cache

aka memcached:flush -a [appname-space] [addon]

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